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Livro Smart Choice Starter - Student Book With Online
Wilson, Ken
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Livro Smart Choice Starter - Student Book With Online

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  • Tipo de narração: Manual

  • ISBN: 9780194602532


Smart Choice Starter - Student Book With Online Practice And On The Move - 03 Ed
With the Smart Choice Student Book, students have everything they need for success in the classroom as well as access to On the Move activities and Online Practice to keep learning outside class, wherever they are The trusted Smart Choice´one page=one lesson´ approach provides the perfect balance of challenge and support. All-new speaking pages to strengthen fluency through fun games and activities.Smart Choice On The Move activities and games, optimized for use on smartphones and tablets, strengthen vocabulary, grammar and listening skills and provide instant scoring.Smart Choice Online Practice provides up to 30 hours of additional course-correlated practice activities and the chance to keep communicating outside of class with an online Discussion Board.The Smart Choice Student Book is ideal for 60 to 90 hours of class time.
Mais detalhes:
Subtitulo: Smart Choice Starter - Student Book With Online Practice And On The Move - 03 Ed
Paginas: 1
Tipo de capa: Brochura
ISBN: 9780194602532
ISBN10: 0194602532
Data Publicação: 30/12/1899
Idioma: Ingles
Edição: 3
Condição do Item: Novo
Tipo de narração: 30/12/1899

Garantia do vendedor: 30 dias