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Título do livro
GoGetter 2 Students' Book with MyEnglishLab Pack
Jayne; fruen, graham
Editora do livro
Pearson Education do Brasil S.A.
Edição do livro
Capa do livro
Ano de publicação

Outras características

  • Quantidade de páginas: 112

  • Altura: 300 mm

  • Largura: 210 mm

  • Peso: 300 g

  • Tipo de narração: Manual

  • ISBN: 9781292210018


Gogetter 2 students'' book with myenglishlab pack
Reinforce student book material with additional grammar, vocabulary and skills practice.Introduce students to extra online practice (eop) with motivating, interactive activities based on course video content and check yourself lessons.With the workbook and extra online practice, students can:increase their chance of passing tests by the completing further print and digital activities and exercises.Learn to work independently, a skill for further studies and the workplace.Demonstrate progress to teachers and parents.Have fun with english through games and activities.Learn about the world around them in english through clil sections.
Mais detalhes:
Subtitulo: gogetter 2 students'' book with myenglishlab pack
Paginas: 112
Tipo de capa: brochura
Isbn: 9781292210018
Isbn10: 129221001x
Data publicação: 30/12/1899
Idioma: indefinido
Edição: 2
Condição do item: novo
Data de Publicação: 30/12/1899

Garantia do vendedor: 30 dias