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Shuri: A Black Panther Novel
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Outras características

  • Tipo de narração: Manual

  • ISBN: 9781338585476


Shuri: a black panther novel
An original, upper-middle-grade series starring the break-out character from the black panther comics and films: t´challa´s younger sister, shuri crafted by new york times bestselling author nic stone. Shuri is a skilled martial artist, a genius, and a master of science and technology. But, she´s also a teenager. And a princess. This story follows shuri as she sets out on a quest to save her homeland of wakanda. For centuries, the chieftain of wakanda (the black panther) has gained his powers through the juices of the heart-shaped herb. Much like vibranium, the heart-shaped herb is essential to the survival and prosperity of wakanda. But something is wrong. The plants are dying. No matter what the people of wakanda do, they can´t save them. And their supply is running short. It´s up to shuri to travel from wakanda in order to discover what is killing the herb, and how she can save it, in the first volume of this all-new, original adventure.
Tipo de Narração: Manual
Subtitulo: shuri: a black panther novel
Paginas: 272
Tipo de capa: brochura
Isbn: 9781338585476
Isbn10: 1338585479
Data publicação: 30/12/1899
Idioma: indefinido
Edição: 1
Condição do item: novo
Data de Publicação: 30/12/1899

Garantia do vendedor: 30 dias